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"Full Stack: The web's comprehensive creation process."

Group 1319

Why Full Stack Development?

​Full stack development is the practice of working on both the front-end and back-end aspects of web applications, encompassing everything from the user interface to the server-side logic and database management. This approach offers a holistic perspective on web development, allowing developers to understand and integrate all parts of an application seamlessly. The appeal of full stack development lies in its versatility and efficiency.


Full stack developers are able to work on the entire application, which can lead to faster development times and a more cohesive product. They can troubleshoot and resolve issues across the entire stack, ensuring better communication and understanding between different parts of the development process.

Course Content


1.1 Understanding the basics of web development

  •  History

  •  Client Server Architecture

  •  Frontend and Backend

2. CSS

2.1 Basic CSS

  •  Syntax and Selectors

  •  Linking to HTML

  •  Inline, Internal, External CSS

  •  Fonts, Text styling, colors and background   properties

2.2 CSS Box Model

  •  Understanding the Box Model

  •  Margin, Border, Padding

  •  Box Sizing

  •  Display Property

2.3 CSS Layout

  •  Positioning Elements

  •  Floats and Clearing

2.4 Responsive Design

  •  Media Queries

  •  Fluid Layouts

  •  Viewport Meta Tag

2.5 CSS Flex and Grid

  •  Understanding Flex Container and Items

  •  Different flex properties

  •  Understanding CSS Grid concepts

  •  Creating Grid Layout

  •  Different flex properties

  •  Different Grid properties

2.6 Transitions and Animations

  •  Transition Properties

  •  Keyframes and Animations

2.7 CSS Frameworks

  •  Bootstrap

  •  Tailwind CSS


1. Fundamentals of JavaScript

  •  Introduction

  •  Data types, Variables

  •  Operators, Loops

  •  Control flow statements

2. Arrays, function and Objects

  •  Arrays in JS

  •  Array methods

  •  Functions in JavaScript

  •  Object properties, methods and prototypes

3. Working of JavaScript

  •  Execution Context

  •  Hoisting

  •  Call Stack

  •  Scope and Scope Chain

  •   Closures

4. DOM Manipulation

  •  DOM Basics

  •  Event Handling

  •  Browser API’s                                         I. local storage, Fetch API

5. JavaScript OOPs

  •  Classes in JavaScript

  •  Object Constructors

  •  Static methods

  •  Encapsulation

  •  Inheritance

  •  Polymorphism

  •  Abstraction

6. Asynchronous JavaScript

  •  Callbacks

  •  Promises

  •  Async/await

  •  Error Handling

  •  ES6 features

       I.   Arrow function, template literal, destructuring, spread and rest operators

Create a professional portfolio using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then upload your code to GitHub for accessibility and version control.


1. React Overview

  •  Introduction to React

  •  Setting up development Environment

  •  Creating a React app

  •  React Components

  •  JSX

  •  Virtual DOM

2. React Essentials

  •  Functional components

  •  Props and states

  •  Fragments

  •  Sharing state across component

  •  Lifting state up

  •  Event Handling

  •  Hooks in react

  •  Custom hooks

  •  Conditional rendering and lists

  •  Forms and controlled components

3. Styling in React

  •  CSS modules

  •  Styled Components

4. React Router

  •  React router

  •  Nested Routes

5.Sending Http Requests

  • Sending HTTP Requests

6. State Management for React

  •  Context API

  •  Redux

  •  Redux toolkit

7. Performance Optimization

  •  Memoization

  •  Lazy loading

8. Testing React application

  • Unit testing using Jest and react testing library

9. Minor Project: My Restaurant

Description: Create a website using React for your restaurant, showcasing food items with the functionality for users to add items to their cart and place orders by filling out their details. Implement features such as search, category-based filtering, price sorting, and ratings. Utilize any preferred state management tool for efficient data handling.


1. Getting Started with Node.js

  •  Introduction

  •  Understanding the runtime and how it works

  •  Event loop

  •  Creating a server using the http module

2. Modules in Node.js

  •  Debugging in NodeJS

  •  Sending mails

  •  Events and creating custom events

  •  Testing API using Postman

  •  File System module, including synchronous and   asynchronous methods for file operations.

  •  Types of modules

  •  Package managers and NPM

  •  Nodemon

  •  Sharing state across component

3. Getting started with Express

  •  Introduction to Express

  •  Use Express to create a server for handling     HTTP requests

  •  Middlewares

  •  Different types of HTTP request

  •  HTTP Headers and status codes

4. File Upload, Session, and Cookies

  •  File Uploading

  •  Understanding Session

  •  Securing Application

  •  Understanding Cookies

5. Getting Started with API

  •  Types of APIs

  •   Insights into REST APIs and their practical uses

  •  Express Router

6. Securing API’s

  •  Authentication and Authorization

  •  Types of authentication

  •  Basic Authentication

  •  Understanding JWT

7. Handling Errors

  •  Application level error handling

  •  Handling 404

  •  CORS using headers

  •  CORS using library

8. API Documentation

  • Using Swagger

9. Testing

  • Unit Testing: Learn to write and run unit tests using testing frameworks like Mocha, Jest, or Chai.

10. Deployement

  • Deployment on AWS.


1. Getting Started with Databases

  • Understanding data

  •  Understanding databases

  •  Introduction to MongoDB

  •  Creating a database and collections in     MongoDB using MongoDB Compass.

  •  Performing CRUD operations in MongoDB 

2. MongoDB with NodeJS

  •  Introduction to MongoDB

  •  Connecting to the MongoDB database from a     Node.js application using MongoDB driver

  •  Repository Pattern

  •  Hashing Passwords

  •  Understanding dotenv

  •  Indexes in MongoDB

  •  Understanding Operators in MongoDB

3. Getting started with Mongoose

  •  Understanding Mongoose

  •  Connecting using mongoose

  •  Creating Schemas

  •  Validations in mongoose

  •  Understanding Comparison and Logical   Operators in MongoDB

  •  Relationships in Mongoose

  •  Multiple References

  •  Mongoose Middleware

4. Minor Project: E-Commerce API

Description: Develop a NodeJS backend for an Ecommerce platform that involves crafting APIs to manage user registration, products, cart, categories, reviews, filter products and likes. Add user authentication and data validation. Use MongoDB as the primary data storage.

5. Major Project: My Doctor Application

Description: Develop an online doctor consultation platform, myDoctor, that serves as a seamless interface connecting patients with healthcare professionals. The platform facilitates appointment scheduling, enabling patients to consult with doctors either in-person at hospitals or through video calls for remote consultations.

Features : User Roles and Authentication, Doctor details, specialities, Doctor/Specialty Search, Appointment Management, Patient History Management, Doctor Calendar & Slots Management, Payment Management.

Tech Stack 

Backend – Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

Frontend – React , Any CSS framework, Redux

Register now to take a leap in your career

Course fee 
Mohali: INR 25,000 (EMI Plan: 3 x INR 9,000)
Jammu: INR 20,000 (EMI Plan: 3 x INR 7,000)
Online: INR 20,000 (EMI Plan: 3 x INR 7,000)

Group Discount - 5% for a group of 5, 10% for a group of 10


1.Enter your email in the notes/comments while making UPI payment.

2.Fill the form in the website footer, providing same email and submit payment screenshot as attachment.

Why Avi Skill?
  1. The same standards of training followed as for the employees of Avisoft.

  2. Training from the developers working in the industry, and not instructors at training institutes.

  3. Pre-placement job opportunities from Avisoft and partner companies at STPI Mohali.


"The Full-Stack training provided by Avi Skill was extraordinary. The comprehensive curriculum covered everything from basics to advanced concepts, ensuring our team gained deep expertise. The hands-on approach and expert instructors made the learning process engaging and practical. Thanks to this outstanding training program, I now feel confident in the ability to leverage the Full-Stack skill for the on job projects."

Chhaya Chugh

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